** All SOA senior centers are open Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm **

Classroom In A Box

Tech Connect for Older Adults started in the five Milwaukee County–owned senior centers, but is expanding into the community, with in-person training available in churches, other senior centers, senior living facilities, and anywhere else older adults gather.

One-On-One Training

Let us help with whatever questions participants might have about their specific device. Participants bring their own devices with questions, and an experienced technician will work with them one-on-one to answer questions or solve problems with their device.

This service is delivered in-person in a common area (in-home classes are not offered due to security and privacy concerns).

The cost is $50 per hour.

Small Group Classes

Small group classes are designed for 3-5 older adults who have the same learning needs. Whether it is help with basic Windows operation, the ins-and-outs of a smartphone, how to use popular websites like Facebook or Google, requesting online medical appointments, or staying safe online, we can provide group education. Class sizes are kept low to insure the ability to work one-on-one as needed.

Classes are $150 per hour.

Large Group Classes

Looking for a class for 5-10 participants? We can do that too. We supply a device for each participant and a hot spot for the class. All you need to supply is a suitable room with tables and chairs for the participants.

This is an excellent starting place for many participants as it gives them the chance to learn and practice the materials presented.

These classes will run 90-120 minutes depending on the number of questions and individual attention required.

These classes are $400 for up to 2 hours.

Tech Connect in a Box Inquiry Form

Please note: Mileage fee may apply.